Preventing Prom DUI

It prom season, and unfortunately as DUI lawyers see, it is also high season for underage DUI.

It is one of the most memorable times in a teen's life. Unfortunately for many teenagers, it also leads to a DUI conviction, and possibly involvement in a drunk driving accident.

For teens across California, prom is one of the most momentous times. The entire year, high school girls and boys plan for their special night. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is also accompanied by the consumption of alcohol, and this increases the risk of being arrested for DUI. According to some statistics, alcohol is a factor in as many as one -third of all teenage car accident fatalities in the United States.

In one study, 54% of students attending prom admitted that they had had a minimum of two alcoholic beverages that night. As many as 90% of teenagers admitted that their friends are much more likely to drive under the influence of alcohol on prom night.

Unfortunately, because peer pressure is so high among high school students, parents need to step in to make sure that their children are not placing themselves in a dangerous situation on prom night. Make sure that you're aware of all plans on prom night, including any pre-Prom and post-event celebrations. Much of the drinking does take place during these festivities. Make sure that you know exactly how they plan on getting home to and from the festivities.

Don't allow your child to attend a party where you know there's going to be alcohol served. If you are hosting a pre-prom or post-event at your party, make sure that there is no alcohol for minors and encourage non-alcoholic options. Discuss the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol with your teenage child.
