One of the first pieces of advice than any Los Angeles DUI lawyer would offer a person who's pulled over by a police officer, and is being arrested for DUI, is to say as little as possible. This is one of those times when people panic and say a lot of things that ultimately don’t look very good in court. Something similar happened recently in Florida when police arrested a man for DUI, only to be threatened with a contract killing.
The police officer pulled over the man on suspicion of drunk driving. On the face of it, a charge of drunk driving can be serious, but it is nothing compared to a murder threat. At this point in time, the man had only been charged with driving under the influence.
However, things got progressively worse when the man threatened to kill the police officer. The police officer taunted him saying he did not have the means to kill the officer, the man said yes he did. He then told the officer that he would hire somebody from Colombia to kill him.
He was arrested and charged with additional charges of resisting without violence and threatening a public servant. He has posted bail, but a judge has already ordered that he have no more contact with the police officer.
A person who is charged with DUI in California must appeal to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and a request for a Department of Motor Vehicles hearing must be made within 10 days after the arrest. Separate DUI charges will also be heard in court, so it is important to understand what your defense options are by speaking to an experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyer.